Kentile Park

We partnered with Gowanus Alliance to conceive and design a transformative community park beneath the elevated F & G subway line in the Gowanus neighborhood. This endeavor presented a unique opportunity to reimagine the space between 2nd and 3rd Avenue, formerly occupied by the Fran Brady Under The Tracks Playground, which regrettably had to be dismantled during the MTA’s repair of the overhead viaduct. Our approach began with a series of meetings with community representatives, coupled with a visioning workshop aimed at distilling the aspirations of the community. A standout feature of the park lies in its homage to local history - the iconic KENTILE letters, removed from a nearby building in 2014. Beyond aesthetic considerations, the project is embedded in a broader strategy addressing stormwater management within the Gowanus watershed. By incorporating porous surfaces, strategically placed rain gardens, and retention tanks, the park contributes to a comprehensive plan to mitigate combined sewer overflow into the canal.


Gowanus by Design


Brooklyn, NY



Project Team

David Briggs, Elise McCurley, Kathy Xiao, Ilijana Soldan


Loci Architecture